


紮作技藝 Paper Crafting Technique | 賽馬會「傳.創」非遺教育計劃 周年展覽 Jockey Club ICH+ Annual Showcase


Paper craft products are shaped with solid bamboo, strips of bamboo and rice paper, in addition to silk fabric. After the three-dimensional skeleton is formed, its body gets painted and assembled. The four major steps in paper crafting include binding, paper-mounting, painting and adorning. The skeleton of the model is being first created. After rice paper strips are applied onto the skeleton, patterns and protective paint are being applied before felt decorations are added as a final touch.

嶺南大學與香港藝術學院自去年起合辦「賽馬會『傳‧創』非遺教育計劃」,首屆以紮作技藝、長衫製作技藝及剪紙技藝為重點課程,透過體驗式學習,把當代藝術融入傳統工藝當中,活化香港非物質文化遺產藝術及加深香港青少年對本地非遺的了解。計劃首屆周年展覽 將於27/6至7/7假荃灣三棟屋博物館舉行,屆時將會展示逾百學生之創作成果,與觀眾一同窺探新生代對傳統工藝的創新註釋。

The Jockey Club ICH+ Innovative Heritage Education Programme is jointly launched by Lingnan University and Hong Kong Art School. It begins with courses of Paper Crafting technique, Cheongsam sewing technique, as well as PaperCutting technique with aims to revitalize Intangible Cultural Heritage of Hong Kong and cultivate in-depth knowledge of youth through experiential learning.⠀

Its first year’s annual showcase will run at Sam Tung Uk Museum, from 27 June to 7 July 2019, displaying artwork pieces created by over 100 local junior secondary school students.⠀

#賽馬會傳創非遺教育計劃 #ICHplus

Jockey Club ICH+ Innovative Heritage Education Programme – Annual Showcase

27 June to 7 July 2019

早上10 時至晚上6時(星期二除外)
10 am to 6 pm (Closed on Tuesday)

三棟屋博物館 Sam Tung Uk Museum
免費入場 Free Admission

場地支持: 非物質文化遺產辦事處
Venue support: Intangible Cultural Heritage Office

詳情 Details: http://www.ichplus.org.hk

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Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ichplus.org
Instagram: @ichplus_org
Website: http://www.ichplus.org.hk

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